WHAT: Your sponsorship helps us drive customers to LGBTQIA+ friendly businesses participating in Sweet Pride, during which LGBTQIA+ people and our Allies “Eat Dessert First!” at bakeries and restaurants in Greater Austin, Texas, to raise funds for QWELL, Austin’s LGBTQIA+ community foundation.
QWELL’s planned community centers, smartphone app, and other programs cultivate an LGBTQIA+ culture of health, connection, and liberation that will make Greater Austin the best place on Earth for LGBTQIA+ people to live, love, learn, work, and play. AustinOutpost.org/plans
WHY: Greater Austin has the nation’s third-largest LGBTQIA+ population per capita but no LGBTQIA+ community centers. Research shows that most local LGBTQIA+ residents do not feel like part of a community; they struggle to find friends and resources. QWELL will make it easier for LGBTQIA+ residents to live happily ever after, here, by connecting them with each other and resources they can use to improve their wellbeing.
WHEN: Sweet Pride takes place during Austin Pride Month in August.
Sponsorship Deadline: July 31.
HOW: The event will be promoted with digital ads and on QWELL’s Austin Outpost social media channels (5,650 Facebook, 3,300 Instagram) and to our email list (4,000).
CONTACT US with any questions or to sponsor Sweet Pride using another method.